I really don't know why but I had a really difficult week and I cannot explain that to me...
Okay, let's consider that March has been a busy month, but I don't think that it can justify how I feel. I feel as if I can't find the right path for my life in this period. I think that it is because I am tired ( Is it the spring that is coming ? Is it because I don't sleep enough? Or because I simply need to take control of the situation.... ).
Okay, let's consider that March has been a busy month, but I don't think that it can justify how I feel. I feel as if I can't find the right path for my life in this period. I think that it is because I am tired ( Is it the spring that is coming ? Is it because I don't sleep enough? Or because I simply need to take control of the situation.... ).
I don't have the answer but I know that when I feel this way, I usually change my habits and this fact contributes to create a messy house and the consequence is that I feel more and more tired and disorganized.
I am wondering if a messy house is the consequence of the fact that I am tired or if I am tired because I have a messy house. Disorganization does not help me to be motivated and perhaps when I have busy weeks and I cannot do what I would like to, I feel discouraged.
This is how my kitchen is today:
A really untidy kitchen, as the rest of my house.....
It's time to take control of the situation and to start with a deep cleaning, organization and/or decluttering. Hopefully seeing a clean and tidy house will give me peace. Usually it works for me.
I will start tomorrow and, even if it will take some days weeks , I am sure that it will be a positive step.
How do you deal with difficult weeks?
We all have weeks like that. I've had months of it. I just try to keep everyone clean and healthy and accept my limitations. Your kitchen is by no means a mess!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I have to accept my limitations, you are right!
DeleteSorry you are going through a difficult time, but try not to worry too much about messy home, as long as it is reasonably hygienic (eg no flies buzzing on week-old dirty dishes!) and your kids are well fed and happy, you are winning!
ReplyDeleteCheck out the KonMari method, there is a lot about it on YouTube also in Italian. Google "YouTube KonMari come piegare" and you will find a lot of links. Marie Kondo's book "the life transforming magic of tidying up" is also translated in Italian as far as I know.
I leave you with a really cheerful video, in bel figo e un cagnolino dolcissimo, what's not to like? :-)
Thank you for your advice!
Deletewe all have weeks like that. You get over it, and I agree that is not a messy kitchen. HUGS coming your way.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that I see a lot of thing that should be in a different place...
DeletePenso che la tua cucina non è affatto "messy", ma se hai la sensazione, a volte, di essere sopraffatta dalla gestione della casa, la cosa migliore è sicuramente fare prima un bel decluttering e poi organizzare quello che rimane (è inutile organizzare cose che in fondo non ci servono!). Io ho passato circa un anno a riorganizzare tutta la casa (con vari cicli di decluttering e durante gli ultimi ho lasciato andare delle cose che all'inizio di questa pratica sembravano indispensabili) e adesso la gestione quotidiana della casa è molto più semplice e non sento la mancanza di niente di quello che ho regalato/buttato! Meno cose ci sono e meno bisogna spolverare, pulire, spostare ecc. Parlando della cucina, lo spazio guadagnato dentro i pensili ha permesso di mettere quasi tutto dietro le ante o nei cassetti lasciando i piani di lavoro praticamente sgombri.
ReplyDeleteUn abbraccio!
Grazie, mille, sei sempre molto gentile! Effettivamente sto cercando anche io di eliminare il più possibile per riuscire a tenere in ordine più facilmente...ma ho ancora molta strada da percorrere...grazie per l'incoraggiamento!