Monday, 23 March 2015

March Grocery Challenge - Update 3

Here I am with my weekly update concerning my  March Grocery Challenge.

On Saturday I spent my last 80,00 Euro and what I bought should be enough to reach the end of the month.

I will make my final observations about this Challenge next week, but I can already say that, even if I should manage to stay within the budget of Euro 350,00 for my March Grocery Challenge, I think that this is not the correct amount we should set for our monthly shopping. Okay, it is possible and we could perhaps consider this amount for 2 or 3 months during the year but it can not be the usual amount for us as it requires a lot of sacrifice and it can not match our needs.

We would like to save our money, but I think that, in order to stay within a budget we have to set achievable targets.

I think about an amount of 400,00 or 450,00 Euro for my monthly grocery shopping in the future. I'll make some considerations and I will let you know next week.

My posts about March Grocery Challenge: herehere and here.