Friday, 13 March 2015

Friday Thoughts - Week 11

Friday Thoughts

On Fridays I would like to share with you some thoughts about simple things that made special my week. Thank you for reading.

Today we had a wonderful sunny day. Some trees begin to bloom. This reminds me that the spring is arriving and I am happy for that ( I took the photo with my phone and the quality is not good, sorry ! )

My lovely children. I love them and I am so proud of them  ( just to be sure they do not forget )

Our lunch today made with our Frugal Homemade Béchamel Sauce. I will post the recipe next week. 

Have a nice weekend!


  1. Really cool that some trees are beginning to bloom. We already have cherry blossom here in Vancouver due to the unusual warm winter. Have a great weekend.

  2. The pasta looks yummy!! Would love to read more of your recipes. Have a fab weekend!

  3. love pasta, I could be part Italian as I love Italian food!! I'm not though I am British through and through.....

    Have a super weekend, we still have some snow here.

  4. Hope you're having a lovely day, Sabrina. I'm waiting for the recipe for the sauce. I learned to cook with my ex husband, who is an Italian chef and pasta is one of the rare things that I can make correctly ! Baci dalla Francia !

  5. Oh that pasta looks delicious! And, how wonderful that your trees are blooming! It's still rather cold here, but at least the snow is beginning to melt :)
