I realized that March Grocery Challenge is a blessing for me as I am more peaceful knowing where and how much I spend for my Grocery shopping.
In the past it was always as I was chasing the right solution. In the present I know what amount I have at my disposal if I want to stay within my budget.
During this week I spent 71,62 Euro including a stock of toiletries.
I had to stock up on toiletries this week, and that's okay as I was able to find some offers.
For what concerns food, as I am committed to my challenge, I try to use up everything I have before going to shopping.
I am so happy to keep control of what I spend. I am not good at writing and sticking with my budget but this experience has thought me that if I have a precise budget, I can do better. I should perhaps write a budget for each category of my expenses.
I am going to think about this and I will let you know!
I enjoy the grocery challenge as well, as it makes you think about what you are spending, rather than just spending willy-nilly.